How to Increase Channel Sales Through Partner Marketing
“If your channel partners don’t know the value of your products, how are they going to successfully sell them?”
If you are in the business of selling, you want your channel partners to perform well. While we face many obstacles when it comes to closing a deal, marketing to our channel partners doesn’t have to be one of them. To market to your partners successfully, you must consider them as a chance to grow your revenue and reach goals.
We’ve outlined a few key components to consider when building your marketing program to your channel partners.
1. Build a Bridge
If your channel partners don’t know the value of your products, how are they going to successfully sell them? Improve their knowledge by providing your partners with easy to read product information and collateral. Utilize a platform that allows you to easily share resources back and forth and be sure to keep these assets up to date. Another great way to keep partners informed is through a weekly/monthly newsletter.
2. Modernize Selling Techniques
While the B2B industry has been around forever, selling techniques are constantly evolving. Make transitions easy by providing social assets and shareable content on a platform like Social on Demand. Also, consider providing co-branded web pages and partner locator features to improve your partner’s techniques. Offer support by providing lead activity, feedback, and stages of the buyer’s journey to ensure the new techniques are generating successful results.
3. Create Valuable Relationships
Bridging gaps and improving sales techniques will assist in your marketing plan, but none of that matters without a solid foundation. For your channel sales to scale and grow, you must create and maintain trusting relationships that are built on the alignment of the company’s goals.
When implemented correctly, marketing has the ability to elevate the relationship with your channel partners. We have found, by building solid relationships, evolving your marketing dynamics and effectively sharing properties the outcome of your marketing efforts will continue to produce successful results for both you and your partners.
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