Impartner Inside
Your Guide Through the Channel
How to Personalize Your Channel Communications With News on Demand
Adding the recipient’s name to newsletters hardly counts as personalization… well, not in this century anyway.
How to Prepare an RFP to Power Your Channel
Vendor proliferation is something that every company works to manage. In today’s credit-card swipe technology buying environment, it’s easy to end up with too many solutions that don’t integrate well and result in siloed data.
5 Things to Prepare Before Your Next Channel Event
You consider your partners to be your most strategic asset, which means you put a significant amount of effort into meeting their expectations.
5 Tools You Need to Segment Your Channel
The pressure to move faster and produce growth within your business is the key to scaling at a higher rate and your ultimate success. If your company has been experiencing the pressures of tight margins, hiring shortages, and growth targets – it’s time to think about the many ways there are to utilize your indirect channel.
New Partner Mantra: ‘Show Me (How I Make) the Money’
It’s surprising how many channel people we talk to that do not have a clear understanding of how their partners make money selling their products. When we talk with our clients about the importance of a strong economic value proposition to support their recruiting and re-recruiting efforts, they report many of the same challenges.
3 Channel Trends to Revolutionize Your Manufacturing Business
It’s no surprise the manufacturing industry has one of the most complex selling models. With a rapidly changing sales environment, keeping up with the times in the current market can make it difficult to maintain a competitive edge. We’ve discovered a few trends to revolutionize your manufacturing sales and increase revenue growth.
5 Things Channel Vendors Need to Know to Prepare for the GDPR
Today, one in four US companies don’t know if they’re prepared to meet GDPR compliance standards, which are set to take effect in May of this year. These new security rules affect any business that stores data on EU citizens, even if the company is based in the US.
How to Stop Bribing Your Partners with MDF
We are in a state of revolution regarding partner programs. If you are still stuck on bribing your partners with Marketing Development Funds (MDF), we are here to tell you, there is a better way!
3 Ways to Change Your Selling Point of View
Getting your organization to shift to a partner-centric management mindset will require a change in the way you train your team to interact with partners. When selling aligns with your partner-centric management philosophy, your partner programs are bound to succeed.
How to Build Partner Trust and Avoid Fake News
Partner trust starts with your programs and your products. Your programs must deliver on the expectations you present.
7 Characteristics Required to Build a Billion-Dollar Software Company
We found the most significant type of qualities amongst the most successful companies and how you can apply them when planning and building your billion-dollar software company.
How to Navigate Signing a New Reseller Partner in Your Industry
Whew, what a process, but you finally got that new partner signed up. You’ve done a lot of prospecting, been on many phone calls along with demonstrations, testing and negotiation. Regardless, it was time well spent as the dotted line got signed. Now, you can sit back and watch the sales roll in.